Here is a non-exhaustive list of projects I have been involved with professionally and personally over the years. Contact me if you are interested in the fine prints.
Text-to-Code AI Model
Director of Engineering @ MT
Developed a workflow to convert natural language inputs (say in plain English) to machine interpretable scripts/code using GPT4.0/open source LLM modules. These scrips/codebases are then used to automate instructions on a variety of platforms like CNCs, optical comparators, benchtop liquid handling robots and such. Text-to-code AI models use machine learning to generate snippets of code or entire functions. These models are trained on vast amounts of public code and are designed to aid human developers.

Static Defeating Apparatus
Director of Engineering @ MT
Continued an innovation that solves pipette tip dispensing failures caused by static cling. It introduces a "sheet" with holes sized to hold pipette tips snugly. This prevents tips from being knocked out of position due to static and also aids in ejection by minimizing contact area with the pipette, reducing static adhesion. This sheet can be used in various formats, like trays or reload components, and doesn't hinder pipette or tip function. This simple solution avoids costly shutdowns and improves dispensing reliability.

Novel Hydrophobic Plastic
Director of Engineering @ MT
Developed a novel method of introducing a hydrophobic surface inside the pipette tip for precision pipetting. This enables "low retention" of viscous and non viscous liquids while maintaining food and medical grade compatibility. This technology is transferable to other fields like consumer goods, food and beverage as shown by this latest application from Colgate on their toothpaste tubes.

Automated Tip Rejector
Director of Engineering @ MT
Designed an automated pipette tip rejecter that used computer vision based imaging techniques to detect and reject bad plastic parts. Worked with MX automation team to define the problem in hand, scope out a vision system and technology partner (COGNEX), devised the algorithm and implemented the segmentation steps to effectively reduce scrap by 40%.

Pallet Pattern Generator
Packaging Design Manager @ Niagara Bottling
Developed a pallet pattern generator codebase using C++ and an intuitive UI to generate optimized pallet pattern for brick and nested pack configurations. The user can input pallet overhangs and the preferred case size (24pk, 32pk, 48pk) and the generator would spit out the most optimized configurations for the pallet in questions. This helped approximate pallet weight and stability. A patent has been filed for this idea.

Functional Packaging Design
Packaging Design Manager @ Niagara Bottling
Applying the principals of design thinking and industrial design, my team and I developed various packaging concept for the water, juice, carbonated soft drink and even consumer cleaning product concepts. Our team executed the majority of the steps from cradle to grave including rough isometric sketches, concept generation, finite element simulation, physical prototyping

3D Scanning With Photogrammetry
Packaging Design Manager @ Niagara Bottling
Created a novel 3D scanning method for packaging of any size. The package would be covered in a speckle pattern and then a set of panoramic images would be captured from different angles to form a point cloud database. An open source toolbox was then used to declutter the data captures and generate the STL mesh. This mesh file can be later sliced and traced to reverse engineer the scanned geometry as G1/G2 tangent surfaces.